Wednesday, September 7, 2011

W1.5D1 // Progress Feels So GOOD

     I beat the clouds yet again! But today I didn't have time to eat a snack and digest before my run so I opted for running with an empty stomach (better than cramps or feeling bloated). Did I feel tired? A little bit but I think it was due to the resting period all weekend and it being the 1st day back on schedule. What I noticed most was that I was finally able to complete all 60 seconds of the running period for week 1's program. I couldn't believe it! I won't lie and say it was a breeze, I definitely was going slow, and heaving a bit but I just concentrated on completing the time and it didn't seem so bad. For next time I definitely will keep track of my feet and how they fall on the pavement to see if I can work on distance and style.
     I'm also really happy because I found my old 8 Gb mp3 player! As much as I appreciate the little 1 Gb mp3 player, it just isn't the same. Now I have all my new music, I can scroll through a list to see what will play and I have even more room to keep filling up with hours of party-inducing jams! I'm so happy! This also means that I don't need to worry about picking a new mp3 player an I can start looking around for tablets for my end-of-the-program gift to myself.
     I think this week I will skip ahead into week 2 instead of do nothing Saturday and Sunday... Can't wait for my next run!!!

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